Unit tasks
Preparing statistics on the number of teaching staff in the college on a monthly basis
Preparing statistics on the number of employees in the college on a monthly basis
Preparing statistics on the number of undergraduate students in the college on an annual basis
Preparing statistics on the number of postgraduate students in the college on an annual basis
Preparing annual statistical reports for the college
Preparing the university statistics for the college annually
Preparing statistics for students accepted and graduated for undergraduate and postgraduate studies annually
Tabulating and counting the college’s achievements quarterly, semi-annually and annually
Tabulating and counting the college’s qualitative achievements on a monthly basis
Statistics of the services provided by the college to the community
Annual census of methodological books, sources, and scientific journals
Annual statistics on the number of electrical and laboratory equipment in the college
Statistics of university buildings in the college on a quarterly and annual basis
Counting the number of sports tournaments held in the college and those participating outside the college
Counting the number of training courses held within the college on a quarterly and annual basis
Statistics of the number of scientific research completed and published inside and outside the country and published in international and reputable journals
Counting the number of conferences, seminars and seminars held in the college on a quarterly and annual basis
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